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Lawn Bowls This section covers the basics  of Lawn Bowls, including how to score points and how to win a game.

What's it all about.

Buy you own bowls or use your clubs

Ten health facts about lawn bowling

Quick links (work in progress)


Recognise the date stamp on your bowls


Bowls: World Bowls Stamp


Licensed Manufacturers and Licensed Testers are entitled to imprint the registered World Bowls Stamp between the inner and outer rings of bowls. Imprints on the running surfaces of bowls must be avoided wherever possible.



The current World Bowls Stamp was introduced on 1 April 2002 and must be used on all new and re-tested bowls from that date.

Both the International Bowling Board (IBB) and the World Bowls Board (WBB) stamps, which were used before the current World Bowls Stamp, will be valid until the end of the year that the stamp expires. (For example, the stamp in the above illustration would not be valid after 31 December 2017.)

right world


If bowls are imprinted with the registered World Bowls Stamp and are in line with the Laws of the Sport of Bowls in all other ways, they can be used in all games under the control of WB or any Member National Authority.

For domestic play, Member National Authorities can decide the requirements for the stamps on bowls.





WB World Bowls

is the code letter of the Licensed Manufacturer or the Licensed Tester


Numbers is the year that the stamp expires (in this example, 2017)

R shows that the stamp is a registered trademark
