Lawn bowling Etiquette and Marking a match

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Where's the jack gone? It's in the ditch.
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Don't loose the etiquette it's what set bowls apart

Club Etiquette

The rules of the game are defined in full in the official booklet ‘Laws of the Sport‘. All bowlers should familiarise themselves with these.

In addition to the rules, a certain amount of etiquette is followed. Etiquette refers to the way in which we play the game to ensure enjoyment for everyone and so that all have the chance to play their best.

The etiquette guidelines offered here should be noted by beginners and experienced bowlers alike. They are all based on common courtesy, which will make them easy to remember.

For bowlers and spectators

  • Do not distract bowlers who are bowling towards you, by moving or walking across the end of the rink. Wait until the bowl has been delivered, then move.
  • It is not good etiquette to interrupt other players when they are on the green, particularly during    competitive matches. If you need to speak to players, it should be before or after their game.
  • Respect and protect the green – the club’s most important asset.
  • Do nothing in your actions, words or appearance that will reflect badly on your club.

Before the game

  • Make sure you know the rules of the game or competition you are playing.
  • Know the correct dress (it will differ for different types of games), with time to spare.
  • Do not arrive in bowling shoes as you may carry harmful fungus on the soles of your shoes.
  • Be early enough to be able to welcome visitors and help get things out on the green.
  • Ensure that jacks, mats, scoreboards and other equipment are in place ready for the beginning of the game.
  • Always consider the greenkeeper who has the right to cancel, decide which rink to play on or tell you to use wet mats.
  • The challenger calls the toss and goes on the top of the scoreboard. 

During the game

  • Enter and leave the green by your rink number and use the footpaths – do not walk across the green.
  • Do not drop your bowls on the green.
  • Do not sit on the bank – it causes unwanted wear on the edge of the green.
  • When you walk to the other end, move in the centre of the rink and do it quickly enough to maintain the continuity of the game. Remember that others have yet to bowl.
  • Never complain about any green, including yours.

‘Possession of the rink’ must always be respected.

  • “Possession of the rink shall belong to the team whose bowl is being played. The players in possession of the rink … shall not be interfered with, annoyed, or have their attention distracted in any way by their opponents.”
  • Stand well behind the mat or the head, keeping still and quiet while others are delivering their bowls.
  • Questions, information or instructions should only be exchanged while you have ‘possession of the rink’ – as soon as your bowl comes to rest, ‘possession of the rink’ is transferred to the opposing player or team.


  • When at the head, bear in mind that some bowlers like a clear view of the rink markers. Stand behind the head, inside the rink markers, but not obscuring the central rink number.
  • When at the head in sunny conditions, or as the sun sets, avoid standing where your shadow is cast over the jack, making it difficult to see from the mat.
  • Similarly, standing directly behind a white jack in white shoes can make the jack difficult to see.
  • Players at the mat-end of the rink who are not delivering a bowl should stand at least one metre behind the mat.


  • Follow the direction given by the skip, no matter whether you agree or disagree.
  • Remember that the directions for the skip are only given by the number three in fours matches, or the number two in triples. Other players should not interfere, unless asked.

Results of an end

  • The result of each end (including measuring where required) is determined between the threes (or twos in triples). Other players should not be involved.
  • Do not disturb the head until the result of the end has been agreed.


  • Encourage, rather than criticise – no one delivers a bad bowl intentionally. 
  • Avoid stating the obvious but provide help by indicating how far a bowl is from the jack.
  • ‘Call’ or shout at your own bowls by all means – but do not ‘call’ your opponents’ bowls to go through gaps, get ‘wrecked’, or to promote your own bowls – wishing misfortune on your opponents’ bowls is unsporting.
  • Commend good shots.
  • Learn to accept lucky shots, both for and against you – they will balance out in the long run.

After the game

  • Shake hands. Congratulate the opposing team and offer to buy your opposite number a drink (after singles matches, your marker should be included in the invitation). Remember that your opponent is a guest of the club.
  • Ensure that jacks, mats, scoreboards and other equipment are returned to the shed.
  • Avoid making excuses for your lack of success the topic of conversation.

A knowledge of the above will make you a more well-respected bowler and will contribute to the enjoyment of the game for everyone involved, both on and off the green.

August 2018

Complaints procedure

The aim of this framework is to deal with behaviour that you believe is contrary to the rules of the game or established etiquette. It is intended to deal with all cases: where there is a breach and it is deliberate; where there is a breach and it is accidental; and where you mistakenly believe there to be a breach.

In all cases, the hope is that this framework will make it easier to raise the issue and for the issue to be dealt with fairly if escalation is needed.

So, if you perceive wrong-doing on the part of your opponent please follow this procedure:

  1. Ask them to stop and if you feel it is required (ie there is some resistance) explain which rule is being infringed.
    This first step is most important. It gives your opponent an opportunity to modify his/her behaviour and in 90% of all cases you can expect your opponent to desist. Often people are simply not aware of either the offence their actions is causing or the rule in question.
  2. If your right to curtail their actions is questioned and/or the behaviour continues, you should attempt to appeal to the most knowledgeable club member present. It is important to note at this stage that the behaviour in question is not black and white and the appeal to a third party is important in both resolving the dispute there and then but also in providing evidence should the disagreement be escalated to the Board of Management.
    If a suitable member is available, their judgement should be respected. However, if one or both parties do not consider the available people sufficiently credible, then that third party should continue to observe the game and note the relevant behaviour carefully, so as to be able to be consulted on the matter after the game.
  3. As a last resort, if the situation could not be resolved during the game - or if the resolution was so partial as to continue to cause offence, the matter should be reported to the Board of Management which will gather all available evidence and make its best effort to conclude the matter. The conclusion could include disqualification from the relevant competition, suspension of membership or any normal sanctions.

Above all, it is important to remember that these disputes can and will happen - and that having a procedure that is understood and can be used without causing undue stress is an important part of maintaining good relationships within the club and beyond.

August 2018


Don't loose the etiquette it's what set bowls apart


Some of the common etiquettes for the sport of bowls include:

  •   Introduce yourself at the start of the game shake hands and wish your opponents "Good Bowling"
  •   Be ready to play when it is your turn
  •   Stand behind the mat while your opponent bowls
  •   Prior to delivery, check that the path to the bowl is clear.Check whether a player on the next rink is about to bowl and delay bowling if necessary
  •   Don't distract a player who is on the mat preparing for a delivery
  •   Take an interest in the game. Follow how the 'head' is building up
  •   Place the skip's bowl on the mat prior to changeover
  •   Don't stray onto a neighbouring rink
  •   Hand bowls to one another when possible
  •   Avoid distracting players on neighbouring rinks
  •   Never applaud lucky bowls - accept them graciously
  •   Commend a good bowl of your opponent, and of a player in your own team

Thanks to Porthleven Bowling Club, Fran Phillips

Gala Park, Methleigh Parc, Porthleven, Helston TR13 9LJ

Marking (refereeing) a singles match

Common courtesy and etiquette is still important
Every singles match in a competition needs a marker.

As a marker you can make or break a game. Good markers always comply with the following rules of conduct:
* They know the names of the competitors, know which of them is the challenger and can identify their bowls
* Remind the players that they will mark touchers immediately after the bowl has come to rest
* Remind the players that they need the players’ agreement before removing a dead bowl
* Have measure, chalk and pen handy
* Keep their attention entirely on the game they are marking
* Stand still unless required to mark a toucher or to answer a question
* Ensure the mat is centred, particularly if it has been brought up the green
* Satisfy themselves that the jack is of legal length
* Wait until the players have agreed the shot(s) before marking the score card or leaving the head
* Keep the players informed of the score
* Alter the score board at every end
* In a two-wood singles, they ensure that the score board shows the ends as well as the score
* Walk quickly up the side of the rink so as not to delay the players starting the next end
* If it is a very tight measure and the players cannot agree on the shot, good markers suggest that the umpire be called – the more often the shot is measured the more likely it is that something will be moved
* Know what to do when there is an extra end in a two-wood singles
* Ensure that the players sign the card
* Try not to stand in front of the same spectators every time – but they know they will always be in someone’s way
* They are alert, decisive and unobtrusive
* Never stand on the bank having a cigarette or chatting.
* Never watch the game on the next rink. Never offer the players advice or declare the shot.
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A marker measuring


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