Start with these videos to begin or refresh your game
Join your local club, meet new friends and learn the basics of lawn bowling play with others.
Increase your knowledge and interest in the sport with these friendly gatherings



Start with these videos to begin or refresh your game
Join your local club, meet new friends and learn the basics of lawn bowling play with others.
Increase your knowledge and interest in the sport with these friendly gatherings.

Seek out the pop-ups photos below

What outdoor sport can you play from 5 - 103 years old? - ALL TO PLAY FOR

The evolution of Lawn Bowls

Learn to Bowl video resource

Lawn Bowling Hand Signals Hand Signals Used in the Game of Lawn Bowls

Dave Guyver discussing tactics during a game
Where's the jack gone? It's in the ditch.
Where's the jack gone? It's in the ditch.
love bowling, especially with my boyfriend
"I love bowling, especially with my boyfriend" says Natalie

Hand Signals Hand Signals Used in the Game of Lawn Bowls -see video above

Skip indicating the desired delivery distance of the Jack

Centering the Jack

Skip Indicating the Location of The Jack

Skip Indicating the Desired Placement of Your Next Bowl

Skip Requesting Forehand or Backhand Bowl

Skip Requesting Increased Force on Your Next Bowl

Skip Indicating the distance the Bowl has stopped Short of the Jack

Skip Indicating the Distance the Bowl has Stopped Behind the Jack

Skip Indicating that the Bowl has stopped even with the Jack (jack high)

Indicating that the Bowl is "In Bounds"

Indicating that the Bowl is "Out of Bounds"

Measurement Required to Determine the Closest Bowl

Indicating Location of Your Team and Opponents Bowls

Question. Are We up or Down?

Indicating Present Points for Your Team

Indicating Opponents Score

This Video Was Produced By Two Members of the Santa Cruz California Lawn Bowls Club. Christine Palochak & Gary Luttringer